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Create your own Questionnaires

Build Questionnaires for testing users or knowledge gathering. You can choose between the following types:

  • Examination tests
  • Knowledge gathering
  • Assessment
  • Research surveys
  • Company surveys
  • Standard Maturity Assessment (MAIDEO)

Latest Questionnaires

what is work Official Examination
Climate Action Pulse Check Public Knowledge Gathering
knowledge Public Knowledge Gathering
company_survey_test1 Private Company survey
Action Research Official Examination
MAIDEO Maturity Assessment Requirements version 1@CodifyPress Official Assessment
prepare_maideo_version1 Official Assessment
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Pricing Surveys

First 10 respondents Free! Above 10, 1 Euro per respondent.

Pricing Maturity Assessment

EUR 150 (ex. VAT).


  • Unlimited respondents.
  • Unlimited survey size.
  • Mixed Response types possible.

Response types:

  • Text,
  • Multiple choice,
  • Yes or No,
  • Agree or Disagree,
  • Assessment scale (strongly disagree and strongly agree, and in between).